We have a lot of exciting news coming up regarding our ongoing work on switching platforms.
More functions and other settings that have been requested by you, our customers, will soon start appearing in the online toolbox.

One of the many fun things is the improvement of templates! Now you can create a template with a form where you easily fill in the information needed to personalize your message. It can be, for example, a name, a date, an address, etc.

Every time you log into the Toolbox, you end up in the Send view and on your default template, you quickly fill in the details and then your message is ready to be sent! With these forms in your templates, you will have plenty of time for other things!

All parameters that you tag with *** before and after are converted to form fields. If you only write ***name*** then it becomes a simple text field, add “type” and other parameters to put other formats on the fields. A date field is written like this: ***date:type=”date”***.Here you will find various HTML tags that help you write correctly in your form.

This is what a simple form might look like;

The text then ends up as plain text in your message;

Extremely easy to grasp and handle, we are proud!

Do you want to create your own template? Read more here about how to create a template from scratch.