Contact us

You can reach us at 08.00-17.00 on weekdays
Phone: 08-509 126 00

Telephone, 24 hours a day: +468-509 126 00
Mail, weekdays 08.00 – 17.00:

All of us at TellusTalk

Outage emails, newsletters, and GDPR-related information:

The people at TellusTalk

We are a happy group of developers and customer care specialists that join our forces to give you the best possible help on your journey towards digitization.

You will have your own personal contact right from the start that will help you all the way.

Snail mail and visits:

TellusTalk AB
Kungsgatan 37, 8 tr (reception for iOffice)
111 56 Stockholm


  • Please fill your contact information if you want us to contact you!

About TellusTalk

Organization number: 556429-8213, VAT: SE556429821301

TellusTalk AB was incorporated in May 1998. The business idea then as now was to offer companies and organizations messaging services via the Internet.

The company has a collective agreement

Today we have a both user friendly and technically highly advanced and stabile swedish platform for digital communication A2P – Application to Person.

The flexible platform enables our customers to communicate using several different channels like SMS, Email, MMS, Voice SMS and Fax. Clever features are included, like invitation for Electronic signature, Secure messages with eID login and Payment request with Paypal and more.

Today, TellusTalk has over 1,000 customers (companies, municipalities, regions and government agencies). The customers are of varying size and are spread across most industries in a large number of countries. TellusTalk’s services are widely used in e.g. transport and logistics, healthcare, staffing, IT operations, alarm management, inspection (MMS), marketing (customer loyalty programmes), security (two-way authentication) and newsletters.

TellusTalk AB is privately owned and the group has a turnover of approximately SEK 200 million.
The business has been profitable since 2002 and TellusTalk has been ranked in the very best credit rating category by the Swedish Information Center since 2006.